Step 5 - Datacrons & more

Alright, let's talk boosting your toon easily (most of the time) with Datacrons.  These are boosters for your toon you locate on almost each planet and enhance main stats or give you shards.  Here is what you need to know:

  • My favorite guide is to locate them all (think Pokemons) and these guides are generally well made.  
  • If one is not doing it for you, hit YouTube.  Players share how they got to them there.
  • The most amazingly difficult one is the +10 Endurance on Makeb.  That's the only one I don't have as I'm a poor jumper.  One day.
  • When you get all the datacrons you get the title of "Datacron Master"
  • Shards are used to assemble a relic at level 50 which game more horsepower than the others, but since we've been leveling to 55 we just skip these as the more recent relics are more powerful.  But you need them for the "Datacron Master" title!
  • As of 4.0 Datacrons are tied to your legacy and not your toon so you get it once you get it for all toons.  Finally.  Once you do the Makeb Endurance one you'll know what I mean.

Speaking of titles, this is a nice touch to enhance your persona.  I love to add to my Imp toons "A special snowflake" or other toons "Incredible smell discoverer", get to know titles here.  The "Worm food" title is obtained by jumping in the Sarlacc pit in the Dune Sea of Tatooine.  You die & get a title, good deal!

Lore is also fun as this game is built around story Vs hack & slash.  When you see a lore item click it as info will be added to your codex so you better understand parts of the story & you get XP too. 

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