- Do pick up the crap that you get in fights, and sell it to any vendor. Quick creds when you start off.
- If you can't or won,t use dropped gear in fights, sell it but don't equip it. Bound items can only be sold to vendors, not GTN
- GTN is your friend, like eBay. Sell all the stuff you can and it is really important to "Wal-Mart" your prices, inflating does not help. Stay within competitive reach of other similar items
- Harvest mats as you see them on the floor, and GTN them if you don't need them.
- Craft gear based on what is high-priced on GTN. I like Cybertech, Artifice & Bio as what you craft usually sells pretty well like relics & mods.
- Do dailies every time you have the opportunity, especially when a new player. You can get dailies for Flashpoints & PvP.
- When you do FPs leveling you get purple gear drops on bossfights, do not use them, GTN them. I usually get $50,000 to $60,000 per item. When you level fast who cares about best in slot gear?
- Same for weeklies, good creds there
- For Cartel Packs, buy the ones not "flavor of the day", they're more expensive but the items you get are also going for higher prices on GTN
- Invite folks with the referral link (mine is http://www.swtor.com/r/V2vDVX don't stand there use it! :) ), it gives 600 cartel coins to buy stuff on the cartel market and if you don't need what you buy GTN it
- Visit http://www.swtor-farmer.com/ for more guides on money!
That's it for now - odds are I forget stuff, leave comments on the main page!
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